Coming up….

New To Church is for anyone who is new to us here at Grace Church or for people who want to know who we are and what we are all about. This will be happening on Sunday 5th May after our service.

Refreshments will be provided.

God just wants to be there for you, by your side closer than ever before. But you may be wondering what’s next for me in my life as a Christian? We are called to be more like Jesus and one thing Jesus did was to be baptised. So here at Grace Church we are getting the tank out on Sunday 12th May.

On Sunday 12th May at Grace Church we’re joined by special guest, Paul Gibbs.

Paul is the founding & global director of the PAIS Movement, an international missions organisation.

In our café, we’ll be having a stripped back time of worship, a short thought followed by food and plenty of tea and coffee! Starting at 5pm and running once a month. It would be lovely to see you there.

Next Cafe Church is this Sunday 19th May.

Dinner Parties are a monthly get together, where you can have a chat over food and get to know people. These are in various homes across the city. You can sign up here.

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